Latina Leader Spotlight: Whitney Dobladillo


Q: What is your ethnicity, where have you lived, and where do you currently reside?

A: I am a first generation Peruvian-American currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. I grew up in the suburbs of Long Island, NY and lived in Albany for four years during college. However, I plan to move to LA in the near future.

Q: How long have you been a graphic designer and how did you choose the profession?

A: I've been designing for 8 years but when I first started I had no idea what I was doing! I knew I wanted to pursue a creative career but as a senior in high school my options were limited, or so I thought. My best friend's older sister was artsy and already going to college for Graphic Design so I asked her many questions and it somewhat made sense which led me to taking this big leap in applying to colleges for Graphic Design. Fortunately, I ended up loving it and here I am today!

Q: What type of designs move you?

A: Designs that resonate with me have passionate narratives, especially about heritage and/or one's true identity. If you show me something you're absolutely passionate about it makes me want to be just as passionate. 

Q: What project(s) are you currently working on?

A: Being part of communities with many like-minded people are important to me. I'm currently involved with TypeThursday, a meet up (now virtual) organization where people get together and critique each other's type-related projects as well as Ladies, Wine & Design, a nonprofit where women and non-binary creatives help empower each other through (also now virtual) events. At the beginning of this month my sister and I launched a new Peruvian community platform on Instagram called Peruvian Sisters and our mission is to add more representation while simultaneously educating on our culture, how to be anti-racist and sharing each others stories. 

Where you can find my communities below:


- @ladieswinedesign

- @peruviansisters

Q: What advice would you give to young Latinas looking to create like you?


  • Stay true to your culture.

  • Always ask questions.

  • Email the people that inspire you. 

  • Keep learning and practicing your craft.

  • Find your community and if you can't find one, start one! 

Q: How can people work with you?

A: Reach out to me via email or social! I love meeting people :)


instagram: @whitdobladillo


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