Latina Leader Spotlight: Valentina Valdes-Alonso


Q: What is your ethnicity, where have you lived, where do you currently live?

A: I am Mexican American! My Father is from Mexico City, MX and My Mom is white, born in raised in Michigan. I was born in Michigan & have lived in NYC & CA & have now settled back in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Q: Tell us about your cookbook / personal brand! 

A: Over the years I bought into all the “diet products.” The shakes, supplements, fad diets…you name it. For me, all of that didn’t work. Each and every time I struggled with losing my culture/identity in the process. I like to eat & I like to cook. I like to eat foods I grew up with and foods I learned to love along the way. I knew restrictive eating wasn’t going to work for me. I started out slowly eating my favorite foods but making them plant-based/pescatarian. Then I started working on switching up portions so I had more greens/whole foods. 

I have lost over 120 lbs and have documented my story and my recipes through IG (@vdubbbzzz) for a couple of years. I wanted to be able to show my friends and family that we could still eat and enjoy the foods we know and love but by doing it a little bit differently. So after months and months of people pushing me for a physical copy of my recipes I have decided to write a book! I am not a writer or a trained chef, so I am undertaking several "first-time" learnings on my end. 

In short, Carrots & Calabacitas is a cookbook ft. a remix of classic Mexican American dishes w/ health & wellness at the forefront. I have plans to develop more with the brand and am really excited to see where it goes.

Q: What is your favorite often overlooked recipe? 

A: SALSA VERDE! In my house, we make it at least every other week if not, weekly. When I started my health journey I found myself gravitating to salsa verde more and more and using it in so many ways. The base of a Caldo, marinade for fish, and the key ingredient in my tofu scramble.

Q: Who is your Latina inspiration?

A: I would have to say my top two are Rachel Gomez, Creator of Viva La Bonita, and Julissa Prado, Creator of Rizos Curls. I am a frequent supporter/shopper of their products and am drawn to their unapologetic/chingona energy! To see two Latina women bring their dream to fruition while staying true to themselves is my biggest motivator to being authentically/unapologetically Me!

Q: What advice do you have for people looking to follow your lead with health and cooking! 


1. Start slow. Walk every day & build up your stamina. Tackle one meal a day & work on making that one meal a complete balanced meal. Small changes equal big rewards.
2. Don’t be afraid to eat! Build your plate with whole foods & vegetables in mind first.
3. Stay true to you. Our food is not a “cheat day” or a day of the week fad. Tacos aren’t for Tuesdays when they are your way of life! 
4. Research. Learn. Be Patient. Changing your lifestyle takes time. Listen to your body and adapt to what makes you feel more energized.

Q: What would you tell yourself 5 years ago?

A: YOU 👏🏽 GOT 👏🏽 THIS 👏🏽
Stay focused on your goals, be your own body goals, and eat when you want to eat!

Q: How can people keep up with / support you? 

A: Follow/share with your family and friends all my cookbook highlights @CarrotsAndCalabacitas on IG and support my book when it is released. 

You can also help with my self-publishing costs by purchasing a shirt or tote.

If you are interested in my everyday life, cooking & health tips/inspo you can follow my personal IG @Vdubbbzzz


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