Why Blue Beetle is Worth the Watch

Blue Beetle hits your home screens out on Max today and if I had to guess many of you will see it for the first time—or at least think about it. Here is why it’s a must watch.

Did you know that Latinos only land on screen 2% of the time? It’s just true. I urge you to check out the latest Hollywood report with more stark statistics, but that’s not the only reason we are here.

This is about the importance of showing up. It’s easy to be critical of any media that comes out because when we see us we want to see US. But not everyone’s story is the same even if we may share the same label of Latino. That said, this story brings in what matters most to many Latinos and that’s family values. Not giving anything away when I say that this story is built around a whole family from grandson, our hero, to abuela a heroine in her own right.

Once we get past a few overused stereotypes it really is something to relate to. From the whole family showing up on a first day of work to the same family being there to rally when things get tough. The highs and lows of life are what make us stronger together and our community is a true testament to this.

When we support Latino-led cinema we show that we are watching and with 3.4 trillion in purchasing power that says a lot; leaving the doors open for more of us to create and story tell. That doesn’t mean we blindly support, but we can aim to make space for keeping an open-mind for the cause of the greater good.

So put aside the this-isn’t-my-kind-of-Latino lens, soak in in the musical choices 🔥, and enjoy a fun film the family can get behind!


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