It’s My Birthday Blog!
If you come here often you’d know I’m usually a morning or day time kind of poster, but I was convinced I’d be able to write in the car on the way to the rainforest here in Puerto Rico and I in fact could not, that’s life. So with that I’m going to keep things short and sweet and I write from my phone.
This blog is more for me than anyone else and my intention was to give a few life lessons as one does on birthdays. With one-eye open I’ll say this: my biggest takeaway from being 36 is that I am perfect (spoiler you are too). Literally in every way. Self-love is a long road and it’s not easy, but man is it worth it. I make and keep promises to myself, I’m thoughtful in my every action, and I’m careful with my words.
While I may not be where I thought I’d be in life I’m the most loved, by myself, that I’ve ever been and that says a lot. I trust myself and my decisions. I listen to my body and intuition and act accordingly. And I care deeply for all living creatures.
When I look at the world around me I still feel a deep sadness for the state of affairs but I also remain hopeful in my ability to affect change. When I was young I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t become cynical and while it’s not always easy I keep my eye on the potential for goodness and with any luck greatness.
I feel as young as ever while also feeling completely my age. I’ve earned my years with blood sweat and tears and will continue to create with the same. Maybe not the usual list of lessons but I’m anything but ordinary.
I’m grateful for you all being on this journey we call life with me and I look forward to continue shining my light on this corner of the world.
I’m taking tomorrow off from the blog mainly due to logistics but will see you here again Monday! Love y’all mean it. 💓