Frequency Friends: Tuning Into Your True Self & Attracting Meaningful Connections

Hey there, amigas! Do you ever feel like you’ve outgrown certain friends in your life? You know they’re good well-intentioned people but maybe you don’t connect on the things that truly matter to you. Well, step one is to recognize it's all about knowing yourself. I mean, how can you find people on your wavelength if you haven't even tuned into your own frequency, right? So let's start with some soul-searching—figure out your passions, your values, and what truly makes your heart sing.

Now, I know this might sound like a daunting task, but trust me, it's worth it. For me, it was all about meditation, and some good ol' self-reflection—through in journaling for extra credit. It might take some time, but once you've got a clearer understanding of yourself, you'll be able to recognize those who resonate with you.

Next up, step out of your comfort zone! I can't stress this enough, amigas. Sometimes, the people who vibe with us are just outside our usual circles, and we need to make an effort to explore new spaces. Attend workshops, join clubs, volunteer for events—anything that aligns with your interests and values.

And you know what? This might involve some trial and error. Not every space will be a perfect fit, and that's okay. Just keep an open mind and remember that sometimes, finding your tribe takes time and perseverance. It took me a while, but eventually, I found myself surrounded by like-minded souls, and it was magical!

Another essential tip: be your authentic self! You want to attract people who appreciate you for who you truly are, not some curated version of yourself. It might be scary to open up and be vulnerable, but trust me, it's the only way to form deep, meaningful connections.

Lastly, don't be afraid to take the initiative. I know it can be intimidating to approach new people or invite them to hang out, but if you don't make the first move, you might miss out on some incredible connections. And who knows, they might be just as nervous as you are! So go ahead, extend that invitation, and see where it leads you.

All in all, finding your tribe is a journey of self-discovery, exploration, and courage. But once you've found those special people who are on your wavelength, you'll feel like you're on top of the world—and I promise, it's worth every bit of effort.

So go forth, amigas, and may the universe bless you with the most amazing, soul-nourishing connections! Hasta la vista!


Protecting Your Peace: Lessons in Setting Boundaries, Re-evaluating Surroundings, & Listening to Your Body


Meet the Creator: Gaby Rincón of RPF Education