Examples of Colonized Minds and Strategies for Rewiring Our Thinking
In this second part of our discussion on decolonizing our minds, we will delve into specific examples of how our minds have been colonized and explore practical strategies to rewire our thinking. By actively working to transform our thought patterns, we can foster a more empowered and authentic sense of self.
Examples of Colonized Minds
Internalized Racism and Colorism
Many Latinas have been exposed to racism and colorism within their communities and society at large. This may result in internalizing harmful beliefs about the value and beauty of our skin tones, leading to self-doubt and perpetuating these beliefs within our own communities.
Eurocentric Beauty Standards
The media often perpetuates Eurocentric beauty standards, which can lead to the internalization of these ideals and a devaluation of our own unique features. This can manifest in a desire to alter our appearance to conform to these standards. Which is why it’s crucial that we show up as our authentic-selves, when we see ourselves in others we learn to love the reflection in the mirror more!
Language and Accent Discrimination
Some Latinas may feel pressured to suppress their native language or hide their accents in order to be accepted or seen as successful in society. This internalized pressure can lead to the devaluation of our rich linguistic heritage.
Disconnection from Our Indigenous Roots
The history of colonization has often led to a disconnection from our Indigenous roots. Many Latinas may not have the opportunity to learn about their ancestral history or may have been taught to view it negatively.
Strategies for Rewiring Our Thinking
Celebrate Diversity and Embrace Self-Love
Actively work to recognize and celebrate the beauty in the diversity of our skin tones, body types, and features. Practice self-love and affirmations that emphasize the value of our unique identities.
Consume Diverse Media
Seek out media that showcases a variety of Latina role models, stories, and beauty standards. By consuming content that uplifts and celebrates Latinas, we can challenge the Eurocentric narratives that have been ingrained in our minds.
Reclaim Our Languages
Embrace the power and beauty of our native languages. Actively practice speaking, reading, and writing in our languages, and seek out opportunities to share our linguistic heritage with others.
Learn Our History
Invest time in learning about our Indigenous roots and the history of our ancestors. By understanding the strength and resilience of our past, we can build a stronger foundation for our own futures.
Surround Yourself with a Supportive Community
Connect with other Latinas who share your commitment to decolonizing your mind. Share resources, experiences, and encouragement, and hold each other accountable in your journey toward personal growth.
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By actively working to rewire our thinking and challenge the colonization of our minds, we can foster a greater sense of self-worth, empowerment, and authenticity. This process is crucial in enabling Latinas to forge a path to success that is rooted in our own unique identities and heritage.