Latina Leader Spotlight: Priscilla Vargas


Priscilla Vargas
caught my eye as soon as I saw her project was centered around her pup adventures. I had to learn more about her and Bella Bear, get to know her with me and enjoy our interview below!

Q: What is your ethnicity, where have you lived, and where do you currently reside?

A: Tejana. I’m third generation Mexican. Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Spent the last 5 years in Los Angeles. 

Q: Tell us about your creation! 

A: The Adventures of Baby Billy Bella Bear is a story podcast that takes listeners on a journey with my dog, Bella Bear, and her imaginative world. Each episode shares a learning lesson for niños. 

Q: What inspired you to get started? 

A: As an actor, there’s not many opportunities to perform outside of class, unless you actually book a gig. I thought this would be a fun way to perform my craft, while recalling adventures my Bella & I have had during our 14 years together. These stories are based on true adventures; there’s just a little enhancing of the story, ya know, to make it more imaginative 😊 .  

Q: What does it mean to you to be a Latina entrepreneur?

A: Perseverance & Inspiration. Being able to write, voiceover, and edit this show made me feel extremely proud of myself. It’s a concept I’ve had for over a year, and despite a few obstacles, I finally was able to produce this creative project for everyone to enjoy. This process has shown me that entrepreneurship means continue pushing, no matter how long it takes. I am proud of this labor of love; all from my heart, to your ears. Maybe it’ll inspire a young Latina to write that story, or produce the script she’s had. Hey, maybe even go on that camping adventure she and her familia have always wanted to take. 

Q: Who is your Latina idol?

A: Selena. My goodness, the PASSION this artist put behind each one of her performances is truly legendary. 
Because of the inspiration, I started doing theater and dance when I was 10 and haven’t stopped since. 

Q: What piece of advice would you give to ladies who want to do what you do?

A: Get out of your own head, and DO IT. You’ll never be completely ready, but GO FOR IT. 




Guest Post, Author: Jasmine Celesté Cepeda