Latina Leader Spotlight: Emily Hernandez


I’m not sure how I came across it, but I know it was love at first share when I saw Em Hernandez’s t-shirt slogan “not your mamacita” - I mean come on ladies amirite?!

When she offered to send me one I knew this lady was getting her own blog. Get to know Em and check out her online boutique full of cute must-have goodies!

Q: What is your ethnicity, where have you lived, and where do you currently reside?

A: I am half Mexican and half Spanish – I was born in Santa Monica, Ca and have lived in California my entire life.  Currently, I am located in Orange County, Ca in the city of Yorba Linda. I love it here!

Q: Tell us about your creation! 

A: I really wanted to create a boutique website that was fun and gave off earthy boho vibes! I am vey much into wellness and fashion, although those two things don’t necessarily go together, sky is the limit, right? I try to take a natural holistic approach in my life, I am the gatekeeper to my home after all, so I want to offer items that you normally wouldn’t find elsewhere. And with a little bit of fashion flare!  We’re talking non-toxic candles and non-toxic nail polish, migraine masks, organic perfume, dryer balls, essential oil car diffusers, vegan soap, vegan and natural skin care items, organic tees, organic French market bags, and of course the famous Mexican Blankets, you get the idea! Additionally, all items are created by other women here in the US. I am all about supporting other women! 

Q: What inspired you to get started?

A: I am a distributor for Young Living (essential oils) and being in this business, I started to learn how toxic so many of our medicines and over the counter products are, including make-up.What really inspired me though to look for wellness items for this website is when I learned that women put an average of over 500 synthetic chemicals A DAY. Not including air quality, laundry detergents, etc. Of course we can’t eliminate everything but if I can get a perfume or use nail polish that is non-toxic to bring those numbers down, why not? And being in quarantine actually gave me the push to do this, what else was I doing? Lol

I had been thinking about creating this website for quite some time, I was sick of having to go to multiple websites just to find one natural thing, but I had time to reflect at home and I just told myself, “it’s either now or never”. So I jumped right into it. 

Q: What does it mean to you to be a Latina entrepreneur?

A: I am in awe of women in general, I think we are a special kind of species but I do know there are not many Latina entrepreneur’s, although I know that number is growing; I think for me, a Latina entrepreneur means that family is everything – creating this business was really for my family: my husband and our three boys.  To them, I want to be this fierce mama bear that went out and did what she wanted to do. She was not a victim of anything but a strong woman that believed in herself and was determined to make her dream a reality. 

 Q: Who is your Latina idol?

A: really love Jessica Alba, I love what she’s done with the Honest Company and I admire her as a mother very much.  You can just tell how much she loves being a mom and a business woman. 

Q: What piece of advice would you give to ladies who want to do what you do?

A: Just do it! Time passes you by so quickly! There is no “perfect time” to follow your dreams, you just make them happen! Be confident and humble, you will go places!

Q: What are three words that come to mind when you think about the Latina community?

A: Determination, fierce, and loyal.

Q: How can people support / follow you?

 Spread the word, spread the love! Follow me at @earthyplantmama and visit my website:



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